Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Today is our two year anniversary! I can't believe that it's supposed to be 80 degrees today compared to two years ago when it was raining and COLD! The traditional gift for a two year anniversary is cotton, the modern gift is supposed to be china. Well Tyler is so picky about what he wears that I'm not buying him clothes, we don't need more sheets at all, and we don't need more towels at the moment. So cotton is OUT. And now that we are buying a house, China is out as well. So Tyler and I decided that we are going in on a gift to give each other. Tiger Woods PGA Golf 08 for the Wii. Haha We have greatly enjoyed playing golf lately and this game is very fun for what you get. We are also going to join Grandma Jean and Grandpa Ron at Granite City for dinner. They are in town this week for a managers convention and it's been so great seeing them.

It's official that we will be moving into our home on September 26!! Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers as we have been going through this process. When we get moved in I'll post more pictures of what our home looks like in our style.


Zach DeVries said...

Congratulations all around :D

Anonymous said...

WHOO HOO Happy Anniversary!!! I miss you!! :( I'm glad you guys officially got a house!! I'm so excited.. Well I'll talk to you later!
Ashley and Devin

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary guys!! We hope you had a wonderful day!
Love lissa and averi