Monday, September 15, 2008


with buying a home have arose again. The offer we put on the home was accepted by the sellers we just had to get an incredible amount of stuff done in order to get approved by the bank. That took up most of our stress, thought processes, fight conversations and everything else we could possibly pour into the situation. Well now we hit another bump in the process. We needed to have all of our contingencies removed by today in order for the offer to still be acceptable. At noon today we were still waiting to hear from the appraisal guy to tell us how much the house is worth. He was a little worried because the past three or four houses he has appraised in the area have only been worth less than 45K. Well we were supposed to buy the house for 60,ooo. Here about an hour ago we found out that the house is only worth AT MOST 50,000. We don't really know how much the couple selling the house bought it for, but we are worried they won't sell it for that amount...which means that even though we went through all this work to try to get the house, we still may not get it. Please pray that everything works out and that the couple trying to sell the house really wants to sell the house and is willing to sell it for that amount.

Other than house complications, Angela has been getting HUGE!! She is only twelve weeks old but she is growing faster than I can keep her in clothes. She is now wearing 3-6 month clothes, standing on my lap while holding onto my hands and eating like crazy. Can't wait to see how big she gets while I'm trying to pack up her clothes...I hope I don't have to open boxes to pull out bigger clothes for her in the next two weeks.

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