Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wash..Dry..Fold..Put away

I never realized how monotonous doing laundry can be. I've been doing my own laundry for at least ten years now and I don't think I've ever really paid attention to how long and how boring it is. Now incorporate feeding times that co-inside with diaper changes and my day is pretty much the same hour repeating itself.

I have been trying to get the laundry done so that I can pick up the house a little bit and possibly clean the bathrooms and vacuum before Grandma Micki comes to visit on Thursday. I am getting super excited for her to come, it's already been too long since she has seen our little gem. O.K. it really has not been that long since she's seen Angela but it sure seems like it with how much Angela's been growing. Today while doing laundry I compiled the first box of clothes that Angela's outgrown. I had fun putting different outfits on Angela to see if they fit, but Angela most certainly didn't like it.

The dryer has finished and I have many more loads to do before Angela wakes up to feed again...woops too late. Maybe I'll get the laundry done in the wee hours that I am awake tonight.

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