Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Liquid Gold

Angela and I had our monthly WIC appointment today to get our checks and then attend the breastfeeding group that they offer. At last month's group meeting, Linda the leader hit it off with mom pretty well because they were both experiencing being a Grandma for the first time and only days apart. Linda remembered Angela and I today when we got there and I was very impressed with that.

While your getting your checks, if you would like them to they will weigh and measure your child so that you can see that they are getting sufficient nutrition. Since I am impatient and didn't want to wait until Friday when Angela has her two month appointment, I asked to have her measured and weighed. OH....MY...GOSH. I knew that breast milk was good, but I didn't know that Angela would be in the 90% for height the 80% for weight and the 60% for head circumference because of it. She measured 23.5" for height, 12 pounds 1 oz, and her head was 15 1/4".

I am sometimes indifferent about these breastfeeding get together because they all seem a little too happy to be breastfeeding. We always start off talking about why we love to breastfeed and I sometimes find it hard to find an answer to that. I certainly enjoy being the only one to feed her sometimes ('cause it means that when someone else is holding her, I get her back for that little while) but then I want Tyler to be more involved so that he feels like he is helping out adequately. I love the fact that it's free and I don't have to pay for it....oh wait, but I have to buy nursing shirts and bra's so the money goes there instead. I like the bonding time I get with her, other than the chapped nipples that I receive and the nail marks I have from her digging into my boobs. The enhanced breast size is a perk, other than the fact that I leak milk after a good let down and I'm struggling to fit into all my old clothes. I have so many perks to breastfeeding but at the same time there are so many struggles for me that don't seem to cross the minds of these other moms. Sometimes I wonder if since I'm not that fond of breastfeeding makes me a bad mom.

After our clinic today I picked up some pictures that I got developed from some film that I didn't really know what was on them. In our old camera, that Shawna helped me figure out at our photo session last week, there was some film and we snapped a few pictures of Angela on them, so here are those pictures. It's amazing how a good camera can take amazing photos once you know how to work it.This one is courtesy of Shawna Noel

As is this.

This one was me...what a difference huh?

1 comment:

angela said...

a bad mom.. pha... how about realistic and interested in having a life.. you're doing fabulous!