Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Little Ambition

First, here's a little update on how the pregnancy is going. On Saturday morning, I woke up and started my day like any other Saturday. It wasn't until I was brushing my teeth that I felt the baby drop. It was the strangest feeling I have felt yet. It was as though all the pressure I had been feeling in my stomach was all focused now on my pelvis. I looked up from my aw, and it was as though I saw a completely different belly in the mirror. Instead of carrying high, it had dropped about two or three inches. CRAZY!
Anyways, I went to my 34 week appointment on Monday and one of my midwifes explained to me that it was completely normal to drop near the middle of your third trimester. Thank goodness! She talked to me about my vitamin intake, listened to the baby's heartbeat...when she could find it. And while she was feeling the belly to make sure that everything was normal, the baby was kicking away at her. It was kinda cute actually. She finished by measuring my uterus and I was scared that she was going to tell me that I was still two and half weeks ahead on my measurements. But I was relieved when she said that since the baby dropped, my measurement is more accurate. Before leaving the appointment though she expressed concern about the baby's size and said that she is going to put in an order for an ultrasound at my 38 week appointment to make sure I'm not popping out a toddler. She chuckled and said "If you even make it that far."
I have been completely calm and relaxed about the baby's arrival until she said, "I don't want to see you in here delivering for at least another three weeks." THREE WEEKS!!! Holy Crap! We could have a healthy baby here in three weeks!!!! I'm so not ready for this, the house is a mess, the Wedding Scrapbook still isn't finished-and that has to be done before Baby gets here, we still don't have everything we need, and here's where the panic sets in.
So it started bright and early on Tuesday. My ambition kicked in. I started by looking into getting the car detailed, but with the cost of it surpassing the amount that I wanted, I decided to do it myself. The whole car. It took me a good amount of time since the big belly was getting in the way, but I accomplished it and for the small fee of a few glasses of water. What a relief. Then it was to work it's way inside. I started to work on the Wedding Scrapbook again and I got pretty far on Tuesday night, which then trickled into Wednesday(All Day). But the scrapbook that I have isn't going to fit all the pictures from the wedding, which means I might have to have two or possibly even three wedding scrapbooks.
Today was not so eventful. All I did was the dishes and a couple loads of laundry and then balanced the checkbook. It'll be tomorrow with the help of Tyler that the apartment gets a good head to toe cleaning. I look forward to it.
The weekend looks promising, a bachelorette party on Saturday night and then Sunday after church I get to enjoy the Baby Shower that my friend Angela is throwing me. I am very excited for this weekend. I'll keep you update with pictures a little later.

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