Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It's time!

The time has finally come. We are almost completely packed up and ready to make the great trip west to Richardton. We've experienced a few more bumps in the road, especially with trying to get Tyler's beat up 1970 Impala (that he hasn't touched since we've been together) along with my car and his work car plus the Uhaul truck to Richardton with only two drivers. But thanks to having a big family, we worked something out.

This will more than likely be the last time I post for a few weeks, as we will not have Internet right away. So here is the big update for everyone. First off. ANGELA ROLLED OVER FROM HER FRONT TO BACK BY HERSELF ON SATURDAY! We got it on camera but now I need to figure out how to get the video onto my computer so I can show all of you. It was such a great site.

Okay and the schedule for the move. Tonight Tyler's cousin is coming over (HOPEFULLY) to watch Angela while we do some more packing and cleaning. Today and tomorrow during the day, consists of me packing and cleaning and taking care of Angela. Wednesday all of our stuff, and I mean all of it, has to be out of the apartment and the apartment has to be cleaned. So if it works out our friends may be coming over to watch Angela for a few hours that night as well. Thursday morning Tyler will work for a few hours (to get his 40 hours in) then pick up the UHAUL and then he and Eddie will load it. The carpet cleaners come on Thursday, but they don't have a set time so it could be anytime between 8-5. Which means I really can't do anything on Thursday but hang out. Thursday night will be the night we say good-bye to all our friends at a dinner. Friday morning at 8:15 we have our checkout which should only take about 20-30 minutes and then we are off to Richardton. We close on the house at 3:00 and start moving in! Wow what a busy weekend, and Tyler doesn't really get time off because he starts his new job on Monday morning. Wow. I am so excited to be out of the apartment living stage of my life and to raise my daughter in her own home.

I will post more pictures of Angela as soon as I find which box the camera is in, and of course when we get hooked up to the Internet. Wish us luck!

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