We also went to our first doctors appointment. Angela had her two week appointment on Thursday and boy has she grown. She weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz. when she was born and was 20" long, and at her appointment she weighed in at 8 lbs. 3 oz. And wow were they right when they said that all babies do is Eat, Sleep and Poop. The amount of sleep I get has gone down, the amount of diapers we go through is ridiculous and I don't think she ever stops eating.
We are still struggling with getting her to sleep on her back by herself. She loves to sleep on her tummy on our chests or on her back as long as we're snuggled with her, but to put her to sleep on the floor on a blanket or in her pack n' play or crib is impossible. Which means that trying to get things done on my own is almost impossible.
This weekend was pretty eventful for us as well, we said farewell to Grandma Micki who's stay with us was greatly appreciated as she was an enormous amount of help. While we said goodbye to one guest we said hello to two more. Lane and Averi Christensen, our good friend and his daughter from Williston came to Fargo just to see us and it was awesome. We had such a good time visiting with them and Averi was so good with Angela. She would sing her the ABC's when she would get fussy and she would gently rub her cheek while she was eating. Then while she was lying on the floor Averi would bend down and give Angela kisses on the forehead. It was precious. We did notice though that if we get together with all of our friends who have kids, we will be greatly confused as all of our daughter's names begin with A. We have Amiah (Tobi and Cammi's new addition), Addison (Chance and Ashley's girl), Ava (Kris and Amiee Oyen's girl), Averi and now we also have Angela. Talk about confusion.
Since I have been cluster feeding for the past day and a half now, I will leave you with pictures and keep you updated a little later on. I hope these past few days have been eventful for you all and that you are all doing well.
1 comment:
i really miss you guys.
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